Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pop Art!

 Roy Lichtenstein, M-Maybe, 1965:     //

While reading the assigned reading, this picture or art work caught my eye. I like it because it reminds of comic book strips that I use to read when I was younger. I like the colors that were used as well as the pixels usage. In most comic strips the artist does not give a background to the picture. I like how the artist added a background to draw the viewer in more. This picture also reminds me of the old detective movies where the female actress can not find something or someone and they give the same face that this woman is giving in the picture. 

I believe that the artist could have made this picture better by adding more colors instead of the four to five that he has here. I also believe that it could have been better if the thought bubble and the text in it was different. I also thought that the woman could have looked more concerned or perplexed about what she was worried about. 

Roy Lichtenstein was always interested in pop art and decided to study it while in college. While he was a professor at Rutgers University, his love for pop art was revived when one of his son's challenged him to make a comic strip that resembled the Mickey Mouse Comic Strip. From this he created six different paintings using this comic book theme. In his biography, it talked about how most of his early work could be described as Abstract Expressionist or a form of Cubism. During this time Andy Warhol was also doing the same work and these artists work have great similarities. 

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